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Irish Freedom Party Priorities

Irish Freedom Party is a political party and a national movement of the Irish people which has as its primary objective the re-establishment of the national independence and sovereignty of Ireland and the restoration of national democracy to be achieved through leaving the European Union. The Irish Freedom Party will achieve it’s goal by giving the Irish people an opportunity to opt out of membership of the European Union through a referendum.

What we believe

The Irish Freedom Party is a patriotic organisation which believes in our national democracy. We assert that the best people to look after Irish affairs are the Irish people themselves. Irish people spent centuries fighting to be an independent and self governing nation.

Our Manifesto

As Irish people have no land to call their home but Ireland, we believe in the protection of the the Irish language, culture and the natural environment. We hold that Ireland is our home, not an economic hostel, and that the Irish diaspora has a special part to play in building up our country

Free Speech

Free Speech

We believe in a society of liberty with a free and diverse media which supports free speech, freedom of association and freedom of religion



We believe in reduced taxation on Irish citizens and less wasteful government spending, a progressive tax system rewarding work, initiative and merit

Government Corruption

Government Corruption

We defend the separation of powers in the State and oppose the political / media hegemony that allows political and institutional corruption to flourish



As no nation has a future without children, as a patriotic party we are pro-natalist and supportive of stable families for the procreation, education and rearing of children



The Irish Freedom Party will support all efforts to strengthen the Irishness of Ireland, in particular its language and distinctive cultural and historical traditions



We believe that Ireland’s natural and financial resources should be utilised for the betterment of the life of the Irish people



We believe that the Irish people should have the right to control our currency, our laws and our borders

National Law

National Law

We believe that no institution or government except Dáil Éireann should make the national laws, approve the budget applicable to the people of Ireland

Democratic Change

Democratic Change

We hold that the power to implement democratic change should be returned to the Irish people from the European Union and we are supportive of direct democracy including referenda for important public decision-making to the greatest practicable extent in our constitutional democracy

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