Justin Slamen
Justin Slamen

Justin Slamen

Roscommon LEA
Roscommon County Council
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My name is Justin Slamen. I am running in the Roscommon Local electoral Area for the Irish Freedom Party in the 2024 local elections. I never planned to go into politics but I now feel I must. The political establishment has destroyed this country and I feel that if we keep electing representatives from the same corrupt and incompetent political parties, Ireland will continue to slide into decline.

I’m running locally in order to put the people of the Roscommon area first. I am dedicating my campaign to ensure that local people are prioritised in whatever way possible.

If elected, I pledge to enact the following measure to ensure that we help to make this area a better place for all of us to live:


  • I will refuse to deal with IPAS (International Protection Accomodation Services) if they try to create more asylum centres in our local area. This has already been done by the Mayo County Council.


  • Last year it was reported by the Sunday Business Post that Housing Minister Darragh O’ Brien sent out an order to local councillors to disregard “local connection” when deciding who gets social housing.


  • In rural Ireland, we need local representatives who will call out the destruction of Irish farming. I will do everything possible to show my support for our farmers.The Irish Freedom Party oppose the Cattle Cull and Nitrates derogation which the establishment parties are pushing on behalf of the EU.


  • Local businesses are the lifeblood of a local community. I will oppose any attempt the council makes to raise rates on local businesses.


  • We need to improve local transport links in the county. I believe a lot of council funding should be put into improving accessibility in our area.


  • We must work with local Gardaí to ensure our community is safe. As a local councillor I will liaise with local Gardaí to make our community a safer place to be.
Roscommon electoral districts