John Hill
John Hill

John Hill

Clare County Council

My name is John Hill, I am a young farmer from west Clare. I decided to join the Irish Freedom Party after witnessing our agriculture sector being sold out by successive governments. Farmers are doing their best to comply with more and more over regulation, yet we are being subjected to the same, constant baseless accusation that is leveled at us in recent decades by the EU, the Irish government, large swathes of the NGO sector and by our own mainstream media. That accusation is the idea that we are the primary cause of environmental damage in this country.


If elected my priorities will be:

  • Reducing rates for local businesses in order to ensure the economic viability of our local community.
  • I will refuse to deal with IPAS (International Protection Accomodation Service) if they want to create more asylum/ refugee centres in our area.
  • Rescinding statutory instrument 306 of 2022, which gives emergency powers to the government and overrules the authority of council management and members in relation to planning and development.
  • Opposing any allocation of council funding to any organisation that promotes “climate alarmism” or anti rural policies.
  • Additional support for the tourism sector.
  • Increasing support and resources for local gardaí in order to help them deal with the uptick of rural crime.
Clare electoral districts