Abortion is ‘stain’ that ‘should be removed’ – Hermann Kelly

Abortion is ‘stain’ that ‘should be removed’ – Hermann Kelly

Hermann Kelly, founder of Ireland’s new political party Irexit Freedom to Prosper Party, said that his party is pro-life and that abortion is a “stain on the name of Ireland that should be removed.”

“As no nation has a future without children, as a patriotic party we are pro-natalist and supportive of stable families for the procreation, education and rearing of children,” Kelly told LifeSiteNews in an exclusive interview.

“The barbarism of abortion, and the general cheapening of life at its beginning and end is a stain on the name of Ireland that should be removed,” he added.

Just as with Brexit in the United Kingdom, Irexit is in favour of Ireland leaving the EU. Unlike almost all British and Irish political parties, however, Irexit is unashamedly pro-life.

Kelly spoke to LifeSiteNews about the current Irish political and cultural landscape and what contribution his political party can make to a revival in more pro-life, pro-family politics in today’s Ireland.

LifeSiteNews’ full interview with Hermann Kelly

‘EU fanatic’ Varadkar heightening chance of No Deal Brexit

‘EU fanatic’ Varadkar heightening chance of No Deal Brexit

Irexit: Freedom to Prosper party have hit out after reports emerged of the Irish government resisting bilateral border talks with the British government. Why wouldn’t those in Ireland engage with the UK on the use of technology to avoid a hard border?

James Darby, director of Communications for Irexit Freedom to Prosper said:

“It is no surprise to hear that the Irish government has refused to engage in bilateral talks with the UK government about resolving the border issues. When EU fanatic Leo Varadkar became Taoiseach he decided to politicise the border issue to make it as difficult as possible for the UK to leave the EU fully. His Team Europe approach to Brexit has put Anglo – Irish relations back decades and has heightened the risk of NO Deal considerably. His strategy is leading to an outcome that we all want to avoid and will lead to an EU imposed hard border on the island of Ireland.

This all could have been avoided early on in the process in the form of bilateral talks that would have explored sensible modern ways to avoid a hard border. Modern technology , trusted trader schemes and random checks away from border areas could have resolved this issue in a timely and amicable way.”