Irexit Freedom to Prosper Press Release 24th Jan 2019
Hermann Kelly of Irexit Freedom to Prosper Party said tonight:
“It has come out in the last week that in the case of a WTO Brexit, that the EU will seek to impose a hard border in Ireland. So much for solidarity with Ireland as Leo Varadkar has bogged his arm in on the backstop, to watch it backfire badly.
In the case of a WTO or No Deal Brexit there are only 2 ways to prevent a hard border on our island-
The first is Ireland leaves the EU’s Customs Union and is free to make a trade deal with Britain and other countries around the globe. This has the benefit of Ireland once again becoming a sovereign independent state free of EU supremacy.
The second, is the use of smart technology facilitating a frictionless border. Indeed it is outlined in a paper commissioned by the European Parliament in 2017. However this has the downside of keeping Ireland tied inside the EU. And for that ‘privilege’ we will continue to pay into the EU budget and allow the EU to impose many laws upon us, many against our interests, and made by people we did not elect. Not a great deal. “